Saturday, May 28, 2011


We arrived around 8 and immediately went exploring. The town seems really nice, a good change from Waterford. We got our first burger since leaving home, matt loved it, but it had onions in it so you know I didn't. After dinner we decided that we wanted to go on a tour early in the morning so we headed to bed early. We tried to get some sleep but one of our roommates was cutting some logs and the other had the black lung so it wasn't easy.

After getting litle sleep we headed for the cliffs of Moher with a Paddywagon tour. The tour made a lot of stops on the way including the treaty stone, bunratty's castle, burren limestone, a 3,000 BC rock formation where people lived and a few other cool sites. The cliffs were pretty awesome but would have been even better had the sun come out.

Tomorrow we are taking the bus to blarney castle to kiss the stone and see the sites before heading back to catch the train to Dublin. From Dublin we are flying to Paris!

Tonight we are heading to a pub to watch a 'football' game:)CORRECTION - we are saving money. We went to the store and are making pasta in the hostel kitchen:)

Ps I Love you Tutu!:)

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