Thursday, May 26, 2011

First Night Out!

Well we went out for the first time last night and what do ya know... We ran into Matt's neighbor at JMU, a girl from Robinson, a girl from the JMU rugby team I know and a guy in PSE... Crazy! The place we went to had a €5 cover but we figured it was cheaper than the others and it was recommended by the hostel host. We got there at about 12:30 and there were around 10 people awkwardly dancing - including a 45 year old woman with no sense of rhythm and way too many drinks in her. We didn't want to pay to go anywhere else so we stuck it out... Ended up getting pretty fun when all of the JMU people got there. We are going to a free waking tour of the city today and then a pub crawl with the other JMU people tonight.

The hostel is pretty decent. There's no lockout or curfew and everyone is pretty friendly.the shower did alternate between freezing me to death and burning my skin off with no warning but that is my only complaint. It seems like everyone here is British, it's really strange. I'm trying to figure out how to upload pictures... As soon as I do I will add some!:)

1 comment:

  1. You started partying at 12:30pm? Isn't that a little early in the afternoon. Oh, wait you mean 12:30am. God, I'm old. I can almost remember having that much energy.

    Have a Shatt load of fun.
