Friday, June 10, 2011


We arrived in Barcelona (or as they say Barthelona) and tried to book our tickets for Cinque Terre before the trains filled up. Well... After waiting for an hour and a half for our number to be called we walk up to the window and ask for tickets to Italy. He tells us we are at the wrong window. We weren't... He then told us to go to windows 1-5. When Matt asked why he wrote down 1-5. We tried asking again and he started counting. 1,2,3,4,5. So we left hearing him mumble about us as we went. We got to windows 1-5, waited in line, and then were told that we needed to go back to where we were... We were getting soooo annoyed with how rude people were being. Matt was speaking to them in Spanish, we were polite... We didn't get it.
It all worked out in the end and we are waiting for our train to Italy right now.

After all of that we made it to our hostel and then went out to check out the city. We loved it! It's an awesome place! So much to do and see. We walked from the Sagrada Familia to Parc Montjuïc to see the castle and the olympic village. It was beautiful but we probably walked about 13 miles and were so exhausted! Our feet hate us right now.

Matt took me out for a yummy birthday dinner! Best boyfriend ever:)

We are now off to Italy!

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