Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So far we have seen le musee d'Orsay, the Louvre, the Arc de triomphe, Pantheon, Saint Chapelle, Notre Dame, the Luxembourg gardens and the Eiffle Tower. We have had full days with a lot of walking but so far it has been worth it. I looooved seeing Notre Dame, it was beautiful and Matt's favorite so far is the Eiffle Tower. The train we wanted to take to Madrid is full so we have one more day to enjoy Paris before heading to Spain. So far my three years of french has been pretty useless. Luckily, with the exception of one person, everyone has been able to speak English. Matt wants me to speak more french but I get nervous and freeze up... I'm so awful at it. He usually does the talking and then I interpret. Listening and reading are much easier than speaking!

We were able to meet up with one of Matt's JMU tennis teammates for dinner last night and had a great time! Luckily Florent ordered for us so we didn't end up with something wild.

Our train tickets and hostel for spain are booked so we are looking forward to Madrid! It will be Matt's turn to do the interpreting!


  1. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I can't believe all the things you have seen and done already. Don't feel like you have to see everything. Take time to smell the roses. I read your blog every day but did not know how to comment until Mom showed me. Love Dad.

  2. You guys are amazing! I can't believe that you've seen so much so fast. Can't wait to see the pictures. Take care of each other and enjoy the heck out of your trip. Okay, Matt - the pressure is on with the translations... Disfruten!

  3. Hi mom and dad! I miss you guys! We are skipping the six hour day trip to Versailles and meeting a friend for lunch and then either relaxing in Luxembourg gardens or by the Eiffle Tower. Today is a chill day so we can just relax and take it all in:) LOVE YOU BOTH!

    Mom, matt says enjoy!
